Daily Archives: September 9, 2009

600 posts, 132,000 hits, one year — marking a milestone for The Bovine + The Michael Schmidt story in a nutshell

This is post number 601, in case you’re counting. And it seems as good a time as any to talk about what we’re learning from the Michael Schmidt story and what the Bovine’s really all about. 

Raw milk farmer Michael Schmidt talks to A-Channel reporters on camera in the blue bus, March 2009

Raw milk farmer Michael Schmidt talks to A-Channel reporters on camera in the blue bus, March 2009

We started this blog, on September 6, 2008, to help focus attention on the Michael Schmidt raw milk case here in Ontario. And then we looked around at what else was happening in the world on the subject of raw milk, food politics and the politics of health, in part, to see the raw milk controversy in a larger context. And we’ve tried to include relevant material from that whole spectrum of news and perspectives.

When I used to write for Farm and Country way back when I was in Agriculture college, it never ceased to amaze me how much of the farm news was really about politics. And the politics often revolved around controlling access to markets.

I think what has galvanized public interest around raw milk and made it such a flashpoint is the extremity of the opposing views. Advocates credit the best organic or biodynamic raw milk with healing properties while detractors claim or imply that raw milk can cause serious bodily harm. Which begs the question “Can both groups be talking about the same raw milk”. And the answer is “probably not”. Continue reading


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