Daily Archives: September 8, 2009

Radio-free-swine-flu-vaccine on 9/9/9

Augie of the Journal of Whole Food and Nutritional Health will be taking to the airwaves Wednesday to set people straight about the facts and agendas around swine flu vaccination programs now being put into place for this fall. The following report and picture is via Kimberly Hartke’s blog:

This great illo is from illuminating9_11s photostream on Flickr

This great illustration is from illuminating9_11's photostream on Flickr

 “David Michael (Augie), Publisher of the Journal of Whole Food and Nutritional Health, will be the guest on Underground Wellness radio show on Wednesday 9/9/9 at 9 central, 8 eastern time. The entire show is on the truth about the dangers of flu and swine flu vaccinations. Augie will show how flu vaccinations are neither safe, effective nor necessary and why the experimental swine flu vaccines may be even more dangerous. The 60-minute call-in program is hosted by Sean Croxton of Los Angeles, who produced over 100 short popular videos on health and fitness, the fastest growing health YouTube channel. See Radio Show announcement for full details and how you can listen/call-in or hear the program later at you own convenience. Continue reading


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AlterNet alleges dairy industry knows that milk may endanger your health

While there is still no way that I know of for North American farmers to get their cattle tested for A1 or A2 status and no A1/A2 information is available on semen in North America, it’s time we caught up with New Zealand where farmers, who’ve seen the writing on the wall, are upgrading their herds’ status toward full A2 simply by breeding their cows to known A2 bulls. Here’s an excerpt from the latest review of Keith Woodford’s book “Devil in the Milk, from Ari LeVaux at AlterNet:

Milk May Endanger Your Health, and the Dairy Industry Knows It

A mutant protein linked to major diseases has invaded the world’s dairy supply, including, most likely, the jug of milk in your fridge.

The protein, called A1 beta-casein, is well known in the scientific community. While most dairy companies, trade groups and government agencies consider it harmless, a growing body of research implicates A1 beta-casein in diabetes, heart disease, autism and schizophrenia.

How now, brown cow? Holstein (left) is typically A1, while Guernsey (right) is typically A2.

How now, brown cow? Holstein (left) is typically A1, while Guernsey (right) is typically A2. Seemingly minor mutations of the beta-casein molecule translate into significant effects on human health.

The original mutation occurred several thousand years ago, causing cow zero and its offspring to produce milk in which the amino acid histidine occupies the 67th position of the beta-casein protein found in milk solids.

The amino acid proline occupies that position in the nonmutant, original form of the A2 protein. Today, the average vessel of milk contains milk from many cows, with a mixture of both A1 and A2 beta-casein.

Keith Woodford, a professor of farm management and agribusiness at Lincoln University in Christchurch, New Zealand, is spreading the word about what he believes to be the dangers of milk containing A1 beta-casein. Continue reading


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