20 Years of the Raw Milk Struggle — Michael Schmidt in Court Feb. 5, 2014

From Ontario raw milk farmer and food rights advocate Michael Schmidt:

Casting pearls of raw milk and cheese before swine – following police orders for destruction of raw milk products – from Michael Schmidt’s 1994 “Milk War”. Photo courtesy of Michael Schmidt.

In 1994 our adventure into the food rights battle started with a vengeance.

If I count right that means 20 years this February.

Police support for attempted York Region Health Unit raid on Michael Schmidt’s blue bus late in 2006. Photo via The Love of Food blog. See link at bottom of story.

In the meantime we had;

5 Premiers in Ontario

3 different parties forming the Ontario Government.

10 ministers of Agriculture in Ontario !!!!

11 Ministers of Health in Ontario

3 Popes in the Vatican

3 Presidents in the US

2 medical officers of health in our county

260,000 deaths deaths directly related to smoking just in Ontario

0 death due to raw milk.

1,5 million liters of milk produced at Glencolton Farms

No comments needed since all these numbers speak for themselves

And raw milk still keeps flowing at Glencolton Farms, because the cows keep coming home in the morning and in the evening – The amazing reality of life.

I have not counted the days in court, the amount of court papers and the money spent on defending our right for food of our choice.

One of an uncounted number of media interviews. Photo via Love of Food blog. Click to go there.

I just know that we WILL prevail.

After 7 years we finally will have our case heard in front of Ontario’s highest court on February 5.

Happy new year.

2014 = 2+1+4 =7. Or 14 divided by 2 is also 7

Police at Glencolton Farms in 1994 to supervise destruction of raw milk and cheese.

If you’re on Facebook, check out the Come Out and Support Michael Schmidt in Court Facebook page.

Meanwhile, in other jurisdictions, raw milk is readily available:

Raw milk automats like this are all over Europe. This one is in France. Photo: Sophie Marc-Aurèle


Love of Food blog (Source for photos).

A bit of background on the Michael Schmidt raw milk story.


Filed under News

15 responses to “20 Years of the Raw Milk Struggle — Michael Schmidt in Court Feb. 5, 2014

  1. All these trying years, all these years of government corruption and this raw milk group will not support the Canadian Anti Corruption league who if they were in power or a position of influence would have made raw milk a right for those that wish it. Does this show a lack of resolve or the misguided opinion that no one can form a government that respects the wishes of the people. We have removed governments that were corrupt or just plain inept. Example the conservatives were reduced to two seats after Mulroney, NDP banished from Ontario after Rae. Liberals smashed after Peterson and in Quebec the PQ or Bloc obliterated by the NDP in last election. Nothing is impossible unless you wish it to be. The Canadian Anti Corruption League has a better understanding of the desires of Canadians than any other group and best of all respects those desires 100%.. Now please make a commitment, do you want nutrient dense quality food or not..Visit us on Facebook page and give a like and visit our web site for full details as they now stand. http://www.canadiananticorruptionleague.org. Blessings from CACL Royce Hamer

  2. Shirley Ann

    Unbelievable! We have been cow/farm share members/partakers since about 1999 (I think I have that right!) and have witnessed the ongoing court proceedings and farm raids and rallies. Through it all, our family, has always been able to count on our raw milk, cultured milk, quark, cheese etc. from the Blue Bus every Tuesday. The milk and love keep flowing. Thanks for all the continued efforts of Michael and everyone who has been involved with Glencolton Farms through it all. All the best in court Feb 5th….I hope to be there, but if not this time, we will be in spirit.
    With love,
    The Wood/Kirkley family

  3. Good luck will be following!!

  4. Scott Heydon

    Control freaks feeling they need more…and more …..

  5. Thanks for putting this all in wonderful, and sad, perspective for us. I agree with you….we will prevail. We must prevail!

  6. thebovine

    Update: Michael’s appeal will be heard at 10.30 am (Feb 5, 2014) at Osgood Hall, 130 Queen St W, Toronto ON M5H 4G1

  7. Lynn Wright

    Hi Michael, your “south of the border” chef friend Lynn here. Just wanted to let you know Billie and my Mom and I will be thinking of you on the 5th. Best of luck. We love you!

  8. Sally Wong

    Michael Schmidt is a Canadian hero : he serves everyday people which makes him a minister in the area of farming and an excellent one at that!

  9. Zeb Landon

    I am very grateful that someone like Michael Schmidt has the insight, courage, and perseverance to bring farming and consuming into a more ethical and sensible relationship. His right to explore that path with us ought not be denied.
    It gives me joy both to see the example of a functioning healthy organic farm, and the social example of the cowshare/farmshare membership.

  10. Pingback: The Differences Between Raw Milk And Pasteurized Milk

  11. Pingback: Dairy Farmer Michael Schmidt Back in Court February 5, 2014 | A Campaign for Real MilkA Campaign for Real Milk

  12. Would you please credit me as the source of the raw milk vending machine? I’m indeed the one who shot this picture in Annecy, France, and posted it to Michael Schmidt’s private FB page. Thank you – Sophie Marc-Aurèle

  13. This brief note is to introduce you to the CACL Canadian Anti Corruption League. http://www.canadiananticorruptionleague.org. Your path to a Canada with compassion, a sense of right and based on honour and Integrity. View our Facebook page and give a like and a comment.
    Corruption is the root cause of all of most of our issues with government. They were elected supposedly by the people to serve the people but big money got in the way. Corruption is the rule of the day to the detriment of all Canadians. Corruption grows in the dark out of sight but a comprehensive program of protecting the legitimate whistle blowers will go a long way in apprehending these criminals.
    No matter what your quest is CACL will have an open mind. I will not list all but we have ( raw milk, protecting children, environmental issues, veterans protection, government bullying, police bullying, health issues, food quality, food additives, forced medication, property rights, judicial fairness, family farm issues, corruption in all levels of government and higher education costs. Add your own and contact us, together we will work out a plan.
    The leader of the CACL is Royce Hamer who has a history of fighting corruption, as a police constable at age 26 he with the help of some citizens cleaned up the police department where he was employed . It was neither easy nor free from danger. Royce was involved in federal politics as part of the executive and they were successful in three federal elections of which one was won by 4 votes. Royce has been successful in business and has had failures but following politics and just causes led him to organize the CACL into a group that will form a political party that is based on honour and integrity with cleaning up the corruption as a prime endeavor. IT IS NOT A ONE PERSON TASK. Canada needs you, “for a person to be recognized first they have to stand tall.”
    “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
    For those that think this is a waste of time remember well the past. The Mulroney Conservatives were destroyed going from a majority to two seats and never recovered. The Peterson government in Ontario was trashed as was the Bob Rae government in Ontario by none other than the people and the same was inflected upon the Bloc in Quebec when the NDP decimated them in the last election. Why would this happen? One reason covers it all; the people wanted a change and were sick of the lying and incompetence. If you doubt that Canada has a corruption problem then take a look at this Canadian Study by Queens and McGill University.
    McGill Queens University
    Canadians assume that their politicians and institutions are relatively free of the corruption they associate with other nations. The editors of this volume argue that this questionable supposition is based on scant evidence and very little serious analysis. – See more at: http://www.mqup.ca/political-corruption-in-canada-products-9780771097959.php#sthash.v0XIXJ5A.dpuf

  14. Robert Hammer

    And the latest outcome is…? From Robert in U.S.A. We are confronted with essentially the same insanity here. Rampant Ignorance!!

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