Tag Archives: Google

Google De-lists Natural News website

In an apparent about-face from the long-touted motto of “Don’t be Evil”, Google has started editorializing their search results. Well maybe they started downgrading certain sites or pages much earlier, but the example of “Natural News” seems the most blatent so far. Another instance I’m aware of is that certain pages of the site Rune Soup dealing with Hilary Clinton were downgraded in Google search results, apparently because someone didn’t like the message that was being posted. The site author responded by shifting to a subscription-model newsletter “The All Red Line” for sharing his parapolitical views, so as not to get more pages of his site downgraded in Google search results. Here’s an excerpt of what blogger Jon Rappoport wrote about the Natural News blacklisting:

“As many of you know by now, Google deleted Natural News, owned by Mike Adams, from its listings.

When you type in “Natural News,” you don’t get “naturalnews.com,” you get “natural.news” instead — a different and tiny site also owned by Mike Adams.

Various people have speculated about Google’s reasons. All Google has to do is print an explanation. Where is it? Continue reading

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“Don’t be evil” — censorship in America

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Top six food blogs — The Bovine’s pick

Like the choices in the post linked to below, these selections are bound to be biased by what we look for in a blog. Sorry if we’ve overlooked your blog through our narrowsightedness. Obviously a list of six favourite blogs is not going to be anywhere near exhaustive of all the great food blogs out there. See our blogroll for all the blogs we consider worth including. Readers are invited to add their own suggestions of favourite food blogs in the comments:

1. The Complete Patient — No one covers the raw milk food politics beat as thoroughly as David E. Gumpert. Original material, first rate journalism, and insight born of persistence and hard won familiarity with the game, and the players, in raw milk and food rights, in North America.


2. Hella Delicious Food —  provides great coverage of the British Columbia raw milk scene as well as other enlightening food related stories. The author has lived in a lot of places and has the perspective to show for it. She brings a lot of spiritual and cultural insight into her writing. Hella’s blog also gets top marks for graphic design and interactive functionality. Continue reading


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Perhaps it’s time for Whole Foods to adopt Google’s “Don’t be Evil” mantra

Whole Foods has been in the news on a couple of topics lately regarding food freedom and indirect suppression of consumer voices. First here’s an excerpt from David E. Gumpert’s recent Complete Patient post about how the talk about Whole Foods bringing raw milk back into their stores, once insurance and production standards issues had been sorted out, seems to be ringing false:

Home page of Organic Consumer Association, another group that's impacted by Whole Foods.

“Forget all that talk about Whole Foods developing raw milk standards and bringing unpasteurized milk back to its stores in California, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Connecticut. Continue reading


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