Nadine Ijaz’s presentation on raw milk myths and evidence made to the BC Centre for Disease Control now online

From Nadine Ijaz:

Click image above to go directly to Nadine’s BC CDC video presentation.

I am pleased to announce that my May 16, 2013 Grand Rounds presentation at the BC Centre for Disease Control (BC CDC), where I examined scientific evidence around raw milk safety and benefits, has now been posted at BC CDC’s Grand Rounds site:

The direct link is once again active here:

The video’s posting is timely given yesterday’s conviction of Michael Schmidt and Gordon Watson on contempt of court charges.

It is noteworthy that the BC CDC would welcome an independent review of scientific evidence on raw milk, an issue which has long been scientifically controversial and politically charged.

I encourage you to view my presentation so we can move this issue forward promoting the use of accurate scientific information from all parties.

I especially thank Dr. Tom Kosatsky, Medical Director of Environmental Health Services at the BC CDC, who invited me to present after hearing me speak at the Fresh Milk Food Politics event in April 2013 in Vancouver.  Dr. Kosatsky introduced my BC CDC Grand Rounds presentation as ‘up-to-date’ and ‘a very good example of knowledge synthesis and risk communication’.

However, it is important to note that BC CDC Grand Rounds presentations such as my own are not necessarily considered representative of BC CDC policy, but rather contribute to a healthy scientific debate in an environment of academic and scientific freedom.

Please share the above link widely to those interested in the raw milk issue.


Filed under News

6 responses to “Nadine Ijaz’s presentation on raw milk myths and evidence made to the BC Centre for Disease Control now online

  1. Was there any explanation about the video being posted and then taken off?

  2. thebovine

    Jan, not that I know of. At this point we can only speculate.

  3. thebovine

    Here’s a summary of Nadine’s presentation, for those who can’t take the time to watch the video all the way through:

  4. Is there some way for Nadine to post a copy of the presentation? Perhaps on Facebook or youtube, somwhere the public has access?

  5. C. Sartor

    I saw the video presentation a few months ago and was amazed at her clear, succinct and very well organized explanation of the facts about fresh milk. I’ve since tried many times to review the presentation and cache it permanently in my computer, but there continually seems to be some error in the upload, saying it’s not found. This is by far the most informative and valuable piece of information I’ve seen regarding fresh milk and I’d really like access to it for myself and for everyone else. Any links would be appreciated.

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