Farmer Michael Schmidt: “Nine days to go until the raw milk appeal decision”

Musicians rehearsing in the hay barn at Glencolton Farms.

As I was thinking about the countdown and the possible doom and gloom scenario some people anticipate, I am thinking about another 9 significant monuments in the cultural world.

Beethoven composed 9 symphonies and documented unintended his own struggle in life.

These symphonies are musical milestones, they are monuments of a struggling soul cursed with the skills and obsession to turn the world into sounds of hope.


Beethoven is an icon now, but was criticized beyond imagination for following his own painful destiny. His music reveals exactly the same struggle we all are confronted with. How can we break free of the chains of conformity, how can we explore new boundaries how can we as human beings become brothers and sisters without enslaving each other.

What point is it to dwell on the possible negative outcome of the appeal. Nine days left and nine symphonies to look forward too.

Symphony in the Barn has been born in 1995 out of the painful experience of the first milk war here in Ontario.

Symphony in the Barn became a cultural revolution because it brought together important elements of creation.

Food and music, one for the body the other one for the soul.

In the summer of 2012 we will perform all 9 symphonies at Glencolton Farms on two weekends.

And I will promise you, that you will still see our wonderful milking cows grazing the green pastures with cow bells ringing and Beethoven’s testament of his nine symphonies blessing the land and souls of mankind.

Look at


Nine days, nine symphonies the is more to life than a court ruling.

Raw milk farmer Michael Schmidt conducting at Symphony in the Barn

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