Tag Archives: Mike Adams

Google De-lists Natural News website

In an apparent about-face from the long-touted motto of “Don’t be Evil”, Google has started editorializing their search results. Well maybe they started downgrading certain sites or pages much earlier, but the example of “Natural News” seems the most blatent so far. Another instance I’m aware of is that certain pages of the site Rune Soup dealing with Hilary Clinton were downgraded in Google search results, apparently because someone didn’t like the message that was being posted. The site author responded by shifting to a subscription-model newsletter “The All Red Line” for sharing his parapolitical views, so as not to get more pages of his site downgraded in Google search results. Here’s an excerpt of what blogger Jon Rappoport wrote about the Natural News blacklisting:

“As many of you know by now, Google deleted Natural News, owned by Mike Adams, from its listings.

When you type in “Natural News,” you don’t get “naturalnews.com,” you get “natural.news” instead — a different and tiny site also owned by Mike Adams.

Various people have speculated about Google’s reasons. All Google has to do is print an explanation. Where is it? Continue reading

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Raw milk, TED, and the resurgence of neo-primitive consciousness

Scientist Rupert Sheldrake was exiled from TED after spouting this heresy:

TED has been told, it would seem. They’ve been told to hew to the materialist dogma, and to eschew what they are calling bad science, or pseudoscience. Because back in the earlier days, it sure looked like they were a little more open minded. This latest edict has put the kibosh on all that. Health Ranger Mike Adams at Natural News is even reporting that the new TED is to be pro-GMO and anti-diet-affects-health. Now that’s going to stretch many people’s credulity. But now that TED’s gone mainstream and attracting a mainstream audience, evidently there are some who feel the message needs to be massaged accordingly. Continue reading


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LA County health enforcers go door to door demanding that Mark McAfee’s customers give up their raw milk

Health Ranger Mike Adams has the story on Natural News:

“In a bombshell revelation of the depth of the food police state that now exists in LA County, California, NaturalNews has learned that the LA County health department has unleashed door-to-door raw milk confiscation teams to threaten and intimidate raw dairy customers into surrendering raw milk products they legally purchased and own.

According to Mark McAfee (see quotes below), both LA County and San Diego county have attempted to acquire customer names and addresses from Organic Pastures (www.OrganicPastures.com) for the sole purpose of sending “food confiscation teams” to customers’ homes to remove the raw milk from customers’ refrigerators. Using both phone calls and home visits, these teams intimidate customers and try to force them to give up their milk. Continue reading


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Another reason to avoid GMO wheat

From Mike Adams in Natural News:

“(NaturalNews) Genetically engineered wheat contains an enzyme suppressor that, when consumed by humans, could cause permanent liver failure (and death). That’s the warning issued today by molecular biologist Jack Heinemann of the University of Canterbury in Australia.

Heinemann has published an eye-opening report that details this warning and calls for rigorous scientific testing on animals before this crop is ever consumed by humans. The enzyme suppressor in the wheat, he says, might also attack a human enzyme that produces glycogen. Consumers who eat genetically modified wheat would end up contaminating their bodies with this enzyme-destroying wheat, causing their own livers to be unable to produce glycogen, a hormone molecule that helps the body regulate blood sugar metabolism. This, in turn, would lead to liver failure. Continue reading

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Michael Schmidt interviewed by Mike Adams on Alex Jones’ Infowars.com

From Infowars.com:

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LA County food police attempt to confiscate raw milk from homes

From Mike Adams on Natural News.com

(NaturalNews) In a bombshell revelation of the depth of the food police state that now exists in LA County, California, NaturalNews has learned that the LA County health department has unleashed door-to-door raw milk confiscation teams to threaten and intimidate raw dairy customers into surrendering raw milk products they legally purchased and own.

According to Mark McAfee (see quotes below), both LA County and San Diego county have attempted to acquire customer names and addresses from Organic Pastures (www.OrganicPastures.com) for the sole purpose of sending “food confiscation teams” to customers’ homes to remove the raw milk from customers’ refrigerators. Using both phone calls and home visits, these teams intimidate customers and try to force them to give up their milk.

These revelations have surfaced in a recorded NaturalNews interview with Mark McAfee, the founder of Organic Pastures and a food rights advocate. Here’s what he told us: Continue reading


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MDA threats against raw milk moms

Health Ranger Mike Adams of Natural News, on Infowars.com:

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James Stewart, 65 yr old Rawsome manager, tortured like a political prisoner in Los Angeles jail

Health Ranger Mike Adams has the whole story at Natural News.com:

“(NaturalNews) NaturalNews exclusive report, please credit with link. NaturalNews can now report that 65-year-old senior citizen James Stewart, a raw milk farmer with no criminal history, was nearly tortured to death in the LA County jail this past week. He survived a “week of torturous Hell” at the hands of LA County jail keepers who subjected him to starvation, sleep deprivation, hypothermia, loss of blood circulation to extremities, verbal intimidation, involuntary medical testing and even subjected him to over 30 hours of raw biological sewage filth containing dangerous pathogens. Continue reading


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Vaccination rights attorney Patricia Finn threatened with criminal charges; State demands names of all her clients

From Mike Adams on Natural News:

New York attorney Patricia Finn helps parents who don't want their children vaccinated.

(NaturalNews) Vaccine rights attorney Patricia Finn is being targeted by the Ninth Judicial District of New York State, which has threatened to strip her of her license to practice law and even file criminal charges against her.

Finn is one of several “vaccine rights” attorneys across America who helps parents assert their rights to protect their children from potentially deadly vaccines. She’s considered a hero by many, but a villain by the status quo for daring to stand up against the vaccine-pimping medical police state that exists in America today.  Continue reading

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Monsanto calls it quits in Britain

Monsanto has failed to establish a beachhead in Britain, according to this story from British newspaper The Mail Online:

“The giant bio-tech firm Monsanto yesterday announced a major withdrawal from the UK amid intense opposition to genetically modified foods.

The company, the leading multinational behind the production of GM crops, is closing its wheat growing operation, based in Cambridge.

Officials said the move was partly due to the opposition to GM crops which has inspired the Daily Mail’s campaign against so-called “Frankenstein Foods”. Continue reading


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