Michael Schmidt meets with Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty and ends his hunger strike which was in its 37th day

The Canadian Press reports that Michael Schmidt met with McGuinty and is ending his hunger strike. See story below. Image is from a screen grab from CTV site. Click image to go there.

From the Canadian Press, via CTV Toronto:

“The Canadian Press

Date: Friday Nov. 4, 2011 12:14 PM ET

TORONTO — Raw milk crusader Michael Schmidt has abandoned his hunger strike after meeting with Premier Dalton McGuinty today.

Schmidt began his hunger strike in late September after he was found guilty on 15 of 19 charges related to the sale and distribution of raw milk.

The Durham farmer, who has been fighting for years for the right to sell unpasteurized milk, had a meeting today with the premier’s chief of staff when McGuinty decided to join in.

A spokeswoman for McGuinty says the meeting went well, and Schmidt was invited to speak to the Liberal caucus, but the government will not change its position to allow the sale of raw milk….’

Read the whole story on CTV news.


Filed under News

15 responses to “Michael Schmidt meets with Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty and ends his hunger strike which was in its 37th day

  1. Before celebrating, I’m anxiously awaiting Michael’s take on this. He wanted a “constructive dialogue,” rather than a simple meeting. The government’s stance seems to be cast in bureaucratic concrete, rather than the beginning of dialogue.

  2. This is a step in the right direction. I hope Michael also meets with the official opposition Tim Hudak and his caucus. Maybe then there will be some dialoge in parliment for the people. It is suprising that Dalton still sees his role of leader as a dictator and ignores the voice of the people.
    I’m thankful to hear that Micheal’s hunger strike has ended and hope he is doing well. Thank you Micheal for all you have done.

  3. BC Food Security

    I predicted this all along. This love affair with the “medical experts” is not about to end overnight.
    You can look at it in several different ways.
    From a marketing and media standpoint the medical industry has practically perfected their fear-based messages and programming for controlling the masses. So why give up all that control overnight ? Unless billions of dollars are involved these people do not operate on “sweet feelings ” .

    My friends “roll up your sleeves ” the work of transformation has only just begun !!!

    • I agree very much so!

      While I’m thankful Michael is eating again, the real battle has just begun…

      We’re still planning a rally Wednesday, 23 November, 11:30 AM on the steps of the BC legislature.

  4. Fabulous News!
    “The province says it will continue to rely on the best advice of medical experts when it comes to selling raw milk.”
    Which medical experts will they be relying on? The ones from all other G8 Countries that allow raw milk, and understand how it can be produced safely, or the outdated information we have in Canada? Even the CDC’s own site talks about many many illnesses from Raw milk in BC, but can only come up 1 case over 9 years ago, and even then, the people involved said it was from a petting zoo

  5. SA

    I am very thankful, along with my family.
    With love,
    Shirley Ann Wood

  6. Renee

    I’m very relieved to hear this news, I hope that Michael heals quickly from this ordeal.

  7. I too look forward to hearing what Michael has to say about his meeting with Mr. McGuinty. I’m sure many of us can’t help wondering how it is that we’re free to use toxic personal hygiene products, eat twinkies, and brutalize animals in factories for their flesh, but we can’t buy fresh milk. Who and what is really being protected?

  8. Dear Michael,

    I am so happy to hear you have ended your hunger strike! Every morning as I milked my cows I was thinking, and worrying, about you. Every day that went by, I began to worry more and more, for your health and well-being.

    My thoughts and prays are with you as you try to open a dialogue with the government. I think you are doing the right thing trying to convince the political structure to change the laws around personal food freedom and direct sales from the farm. The courts appear to be a dead end.

    As B.C. Supreme Court Justice Miriam Gropper said in her ruling: “The remedy for the respondents is to convince the government to change the legislation,” she found.

    Thank you, for fighting for our collective food freedom. Please, keep up your strength to fight another day.

    Caroline Cooper
    Weston A Price Foundation Kamloops Chapter

  9. Pingback: Michael Schmidt Meets With Ontario Premier. Ends Hunger Strike! | Real Food Houston

  10. Lois Banks

    Dear Michael!

    This is definitely a start. Thanks Mr. McGuinty for meeting Michael! We are all thrilled that you can start to nourish yourself again. And, we appreciate every second that you went without food for the sake of the Food Rights movement and Freedom to Choose. We are grateful to you!

    May dialogue truly begin and may our province grow in it’s understanding of the food situation and Food Rights.

    With love,
    Lois, Sam and Emily


    Regarding the comments on CTV NEWS, I would like to welcome 3 new people who have not done their homework.

    Chickflix “Raw milk—should stay illegal.”
    Concrete Proof “—yet to see anything concrete”
    Jessie Pielden “— no proven health health benefits.”

    Please hunt for all the testimonials that you can find on people who were on medication and are not now after drinking raw milk.
    The site Fresh Unpasteurized Whole Milk workshop by the University of Michigan and Health Inspectors power point presentation are informative.
    Anyone needing help, e-mail me at fuwmilkalberta@gmail.com.

    Thanks Michael ! We are not on a Cruise Ship. All hands must work with Love and Respect for those who are ‘just doing their job’.


    Bovine – Please edit one of the “health” out of line
    “Jessie Pielden “—no proven health health benefits.”
    Sorry, I missed it when proof reading.

  13. Pingback: It’s been a good week for food rights | The Bovine

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