Manna Storehouse #6, and speaking up for the kind of world we want, without “drinking the kool-aid of fear”

Manna sheep in happier days

Manna sheep in happier days

NEW DEC. 17: Manna Storehouse 7: The Stowers tell their story.

Here’s  a summary of the Manna Storehouse story so far, fact-checked and verified by the Weston A. Price Foundation’s very own publicist, Kimberly Hartke. To my knowledge the Stovers who run Manna Storehouse have still not come out with a statement to the media regarding the raid, so there may yet be further revelations to come in the week(s) ahead.

Valuable intelligence from Project Camelot

Valuable intelligence from Project Camelot

But before we proceed with Kimberly’s story, I’d like to add a few words about the excerpts which follow. The interview they are from provides a helpful framework with which to understand how the Manna Storehouse raid could be seen as a kind of “test-marketing” for a new style of policing (or repression). And according to that interview, the planners would be carefully monitoring everyone’s response through internet and telephone traffic, as well as through the more public media, to see how they could “model” this “perturbation” they’ve caused to the status quo, all the better to better roll out their “program” smoothly when the time comes.

So now here’s Kimberly’s story:

On December 1, 2008 an unthinkable scenario happened on a quiet farmstead in rural Ohio. Armed men broke in and with their guns forced the women and children into their living room where they were contained for 8 hours. They sat helpless while their house was torn apart and many personal items were taken. This terrifying raid wasn’t terrorism or burglary. It was your tax dollars at work…..

Armed Authorities raid Family Farm

Ohio Dept of Agriculture Traumatizes Women and Small Children

December 15, 2008–Washington, DC—Using tactics normally reserved for drug dealers, a heavily armed team raided an Ohio family farmhouse on December 1, 2008.  Agents herded women and children, the only family members home at the time, into the living room and held them there for eight hours while they ransacked the premises and seized belongings, including food, computers and records. The head of the household, John Stowers was not there at the beginning of the raid. His son, Chad Stowers, who also helps run the coop, is a Navy Seabee currently serving our country in Iraq.

The Stowers are sheep farmers and operate Manna Storehouse, an organic food buying cooperative in LaGrange, Ohio, just outside of Cleveland.  The agents confiscated one year’s worth of family food, food purchased for coop members, computers and all business records.

The agents possessed a search warrant similar to that used for drug dealers, giving them permission to take anything and everything. The affidavit authorizing the warrant cited the Stowers for operating a retail food establishment without a license, in violation of Ohio
Revised Code 3717.21.

According to Maurice Thompson, Director of the 1851 Constitutional Law Center at the nonprofit Buckeye Institute, exemptions do exist to the code, and they do apply to Manna Storehouse. “Even if these exemptions don’t apply to Manna Storehouse,” said Thompson, “the coop has the right to operate without a retail license because it is a buying club not a selling operation. If the state of Ohio doesn’t return the food taken in the raid, it will have engaged in a taking of a perfectly legitimate private property without compensation, food reserved to feed the Stowers family of twelve.”

Farm buying clubs and coops have become more numerous with the advent of the “buy local” trend and as more consumers seek to support sustainable agriculture.  Fresh food farmed using traditional methods like pasture grazing, composting and manure fertilizer can be more expensive than conventional groceries.  Buying clubs help families obtain nutritious food at considerable savings over retail establishments.

According to Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, “Authorization of the raid at Manna Storehouse reflects emerging bureaucratic hostility to the dynamics of direct-farm sales.  The state has violated not only the rights of Manna Storehouse farmers but also of the coop’s consumer members.”

Local chapters of the Weston A. Price Foundation promote farm-to-consumer direct trade, which often takes the form of private farm buying clubs or coops, such as Manna Storehouse.  Volunteer local chapter leaders help their neighbors find sources of locally produced farm fresh food. Many members of the Manna Storehouse coop are also Weston A. Price members or followers of the Weston A. Price Foundation’s nutritional advice.

Because of increasing tensions around the country between farmers and regulators, the Foundation launched the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund in July, 2007. The Fund promotes and protects farmers’ rights to sell farm foods and raw milk directly to the consumer.

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nutrition education non-profit (501c3) which advocates a return to nutrient-dense foods and a diet rich in animal fats from grass-fed animals.  Sally Fallon Morell, the founder and president, is a highly respected consumer advocate for natural, whole foods and small-scale, mixed-species, pasture-based farms. The Weston Price Foundation actively promotes grass-fed meats, pasture raised chickens, eggs, fermented vegetables, organ meats and raw milk for their nutritional benefits.

Grass-fed animal foods contain higher levels of nutrients, especially the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K, and will not contain the contaminants routinely found in the products of industrial agriculture. Compared to pasteurized milk, raw milk is easier to digest and less likely to cause allergies; its nutrients are more bio-available.

The organization has 10,500 members worldwide, and 400 local chapters, 17 of which are in Ohio.  The Foundation is for Dr. Weston A. Price, DDS, author of the nutritional classic, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.  The Foundation offices are in Washington, DC.  Their websites are:, and


Kimberly Hartke
Weston. A Price Foundation Publicist & Volunteer Chapter Leader for Reston, VA
home office 703-860-2711
cell 703-675-5557

NEW DEC. 17: Manna Storehouse 7: The Stowers tell their story.

“The Bovine” is Tops in Search Rankings on Google and Alta-Vista

Before we proceed to part 2 of today’s post, it’s interesting to have a look at what comes up when you search for “manna storehouse” on Google and Alta-Vista. On Google, the Manna Storehouse site accounts for the first two listings. Same on Alta Vista. Then next on Google comes OpEd News, with a story originally from the Bovine, but with a lengthy introduction (excerpted below) from Linn Cohen-Cole.  After that on Google are two listings from Salt Spring News, which also excerpt stories from the Bovine. Then the Bovine itself is #6 on Google — that’s #6 out of 55,200 total results.  Over on Alta Vista, the Bovine stories are numbers 3 & 4, right after the two pages from the Manna Storehouse site; and that’s out of 168,000 results.  In summary, there’s a lot out there aboout this story on the ‘net but the Bovine stories are near the top of both Google and Alta-Vista’s page rankings; thanks to all those who linked to our several reports on this sad episode in American history. Let’s hope some sort of justice and redress will be forthcoming for the Stovers and their coop members.

From OpEd News’ lengthy introduction to the Bovine story on Manna Storehouse:

“I am passing this story on as I found it because I want people as much as possible to FEEL what is going on in rural America.  They are living what liberals always fear will happen to them – police at the door, ransacking, no explanations, losing everything. But for rural people and farmers, it has been happening for some time and it is growing in frequency and force.

NAIS is fascist nightmare come true.  Yet liberals still barely know it exists or that it is under Homeland Security with regulations set to allow rapid deployment of special teams for warrantless raids based on … “bioterrorism.”  Corporations will be able in a pinch to manipulate a scare and use it wipe out all livestock the farmers own, without any due process or recourse.  They will repeat what they have been doing in Asia….” Read the whole thing here.

And now here’s part 2 of today’s post — excerpts from a transcript of a September 2008 interview with Dr. Bill Deagle, from Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy at Project Camelot:

The greatest sins are the sins of silence in the face of evil.
Dr Bill Deagle

“Few in the UFO/ Conspiracy/ Disclosure movement are as controversial as Dr Bill Deagle. Outspoken, brilliant and passionate, he has generated as many critics as he has made committed friends.

We’re well aware of this controversy. This three hour video is essential viewing – we suggest – for anyone who has criticised this man. We stand behind his testimony: inasmuch as there’s nothing we know which contradicts anything he has said. On the other hand, the more we learn, the more we find we’re able to validate the whistleblower testimony that Bill Deagle reports.

The video presents a different side to Bill Deagle. We engage him in conversation (and hold our own!) and we believe we have succeeded in bringing out the human being, the warm and caring side to him, that aspect of someone who in his passion for the truth, and for the potential splendor and magnificence of the human race, has sometimes spoken in terms so strong that some have found him hard to hear.

He is a Prophet of modern times: but many misunderstand that term. A Prophet is not a seer or a fortune teller. A Prophet – in the original meaning of the word, and the way Bill Deagle uses it – is someone who says: “This is what’s likely to occur if we don’t wake up or shape up.” In that mission, Camelot shares and supports his stand.…”

“….BD:  Well, I’ll give you an example. One of the first things is, by doing this modeling, it means that they don’t do it in just a kind of… In other words, they’re not just trying it on the public. They try a different thing.

For example, they had the Countrywide financial collapse earlier this year, and then they had the collapse of Lehman Brothers. And they try each thing. And they try to see what kind of response they’re getting from the public. And they feed that back into the model.

Now, when I took care of the people that were working on the Sentient World Project, they actually created a cybernetic model of the Earth. It’s an actual physical model in hyperspace that is down to a tolerance of about a centimeter-and-a-half. All the roadways, buildings, everything, people. Everybody inside that model are actually considered, called, nodes. That’s their actual term they use for it.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Besides doing the simulator computer modeling, they’re using other technologies. Some of them are quite alien, if you want to call it.

BR:  I can believe it.

BD:  And they’re using these technologies so they can actually analyze timeline pathways. Because what they’re trying to do is…

KC:  So we’re talking about Looking-Glass, then?

BD:  Yeah. Exactly. And, of course, a lot of the people don’t understand that most of these are actually based on what’s called torsional vortex imaging, which is hyperdimensional imaging….”

“….BD:  And that’s what’s happening, is whether it’s genetic technology that could relieve illness, and stop many of the pains of fragility as people get older, and we want to lengthen human lifespan. I belong to the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

But I don’t want them to do things like create cybernetic chimeric super-soldiers, that then become a plague upon the planet, or super-weapons that are used to kill or destroy others so they can get control. And so it could be used for good or incredible evil, and our problem is right now that most of the funding is toward evil.

KC:  Right.

BR:  What’s the outcome of this meeting that you’ve just been describing?

BD:  The outcome of the meeting was a somberness, a seriousness that, if we didn’t get the message through to the people, that the planet of Earth would be annihilated, would be allowed to be annihilated.

A lot of people think, for example, a lot of the space-based weapons platforms we have around the Earth — Right? Because I worked with U.S. Space Command — are weapons to knock out spacecraft, to knock out asteroids or meteors, to, you know, basically shield Earth against geomagnetic super-storms that may occur from Solar Mass Ejections and other things, and to control the climate. In other words, they’re trying to create a kind of, like a terrarium, of Earth so as we pass through the galactic plane…

KC:  Right. Except that some of those weapons are located on the Moon and aimed at Earth.

BD:  Right. And in fact, most of the weapons there could be aimed at Earth very easily and have been, and have been used for great evil — just like the geotectonic weapon that triggered off the Sichuan earthquake, or the earthquake that was struck on Nagata, Japan, and broke the reactor core of the largest reactor in Japan. And it was told three days before to Ben Fulford that his finance minister, of course, had been warned that he had to pass over authority to the Rothschilds, or their banking system, or they were going to hit Nagata. And they did….”

“….I was also the whistle-blower that blew the whistle that the Factor-8 that was used for hemophiliacs… I was the main whistle-blower for the Canadian government and those lawsuits that got all those doctors, that they were getting it and combining all these Factor-8s…

Because I had a pile of hemophiliacs when I was practicing in Calgary that were dying of AIDS, specifically because they gave them purposely-contaminated Factor-8.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  OK? And all these things, all my experiences from my life, were laid out so that I would be what I am now, a beaten piece of steel like a Samurai sword…

KC:  Hm.

BD:  …hardened enough for the truth and willing to tell the people the truth, to tell people that you need to make the right decisions. You cannot believe your pastor, your rabbi, your Buddhist master, your ascended masters, your ET contactees. You need to contact your Self, the spirit of the Most High God.

You need to analyze what’s going on in foreign policy and money. For example, money, as Socrates says, only means exchange. Why are we willing to do spending cuts that will starve people? Why are we going to bail out 700 billion dollars to banksters that are gambling on the future, that’re going to guarantee that we’re going to have a crash and the death of civilization?

BR:  Hm.

BD:  Why? And they know that starvation leads to war, pestilence, and the crash of civilization. And it’s very fragile. And they’re purposely bringing this about.

This is the start… This phase right now, with the collapse of the banks, this is the start toward world government, world bank, regional currencies, chipping the population. And they’re ready, probably by next year.

I’ve already calculated, and have been told by my sources, both natural and classified, as well as supernatural, there’s about a 30% chance of an avian pandemic this year, and a 70% chance next year, and 100% chance the year after.

BR:  When you say this year, you mean in the next 12 months?

BD:  No, between now and the end of December [2008].

BR:  Really? OK.

BD:  That’s very disturbing. OK? But we’re talking about going up to 70%, which means next year we have a very grave possibility of a thermonuclear attack at least on the Bashear reactor and 450 targets. And a counter-response which is going to release a radiation cloud and cut off the world to the Strait of Hormuz.

And I was taken in 1988 — one of my very first visions — I was taken up high above Saudi Arabia, in the spirit, and I actually looked down. And I looked and I could see the carrier groups all assembling.

And this was 1988, twenty years ago. And I looked down, and the angel told me, he says: Watch this place. Because this is where it will all start — the Strait of Hormuz.

BR:  And how close are we to that now?

BD:  We are so close we can feel the breath of the dragon. People need to pull back… And none of these people that call themselves candidates for president that are in the two leading parties are safe. Neither one….”

“…BD:  The way out of it is to just get the population woke up, to pray for the leaders, to get the people woke up. If we just get a tiny minority of the body of mankind to wake up to the truth of this…

Whether they think they’re atheists or agnostics or Jews or Christians, they’ve got to stop being Armageddonites. They’ve got to stop being Sabbatian Jews. They’ve got to stop being “religious”, thinking: Oh well, it’s just karma being worked out, in their Buddhism. Right?

They’ve got to stop all that foolishness and pick up their septre and say: We craft the future. We’re going to determine whether or not mankind is going to survive what’s coming. And they’ve got to start making decisions.

They’ve got to start saying: Hey, we’re not going to participate with a country that’s going to have a thermonuclear war with Iran. We’re not going to…

You know, as Carlin said: If you vote for one of these blankey-blank guys or this blankey-blank guy, you can’t complain when either one of them starts a thermonuclear war.

KC:  OK. But actually people are left with that choice.

BD:  They aren’t. They can actually… The thing is that I think we need to transcend politics. We need to transcend religion.

We need to stop thinking that if we make the right decision on the right leader we’ve solved the problem. The transformation is not at the leadership level of the White House.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  It’s not even at the capitol building of the state. It’s not even at the town council. It’s in us. We have to decide that we’re no longer going to participate in these things. We’re not going to participate in churches or pastors or politicians doing these things. We’re not going to participate in a financial collapse that’s going to starve millions, and start a pandemic. We’re not going to participate in doing those things that…

KC:  OK. Well, but nuts and bolts and on a spiritual level, their choice is clear, I would say.

BD:  Yeah. But they have to make hard decisions. See, those decisions are so hard that most people don’t want to swallow that. So they want to either attack me or any other messenger giving this message.

KC:  Sure….”

“….BD:  A lot of the time I don’t know… Like I’ll go to bed at night, wake up in cold sweats, get visions…

KC:  Yes.

BD:  …see, you know, people crying. I see starvation. I see privation. I see darkness, a lot of very bad visions, very jumbled up, and I can’t tell you what it is specifically. But I can tell you what makes sense to me if I just take my intellectual viewpoint.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  I think we’re going to have a financial crash.

BR:  OK.

BD:  I think the financial crash is going to be so severe and so painful that the grocery store shelves are going to be completely empty in the very, very near future. I mean, it could only last for maybe a few weeks, but it’s going to frighten people so badly, that no matter what the government presents to them — in terms of world government, regional currency, the Amero, whatever — they’re going to take it.

And then, when they can go back to buying their latte, and go to the movie theater, and put gas in their car at a reasonable price, they’re going to say: Thank God we’ve got this.

KC:  Right.

BD:  But I can tell you right now, what I see is empty shelves.

BR:  And martial law.

BD:  And martial law. Remember now, martial law will be almost like a theater. It’ll be on… They brought back an entire division. I posted up the article on Clay and Iron, and the dates. So if you go to, I posted up that article.

They brought an entire division back to America to be permanently stationed for civil defense inside the United States. That’s 650,000 battle-hardened troops, with heavy artillery and weapons, that’ll control the civilian population. They don’t need to be in their home country.

The media that’s on that screen there [television], I call Satan-vision. OK? In that box. What they need to do is they need to frighten people into accepting whatever the agenda is.

BR:  Yep…..”

“….BD:  They’ve been doing this for a long time. And it’s not just in America. You have to understand, these plans are replicated in one form or another in Canada, in Britain, in Australia, in African nations, in China. They have policies.

There’s over 4,000 underground facilities around the world alone. And in America, two giant facilities besides the little ones, that are a mile-and-a-half to four miles down.

I mean, they’ve been going crazy. And most of the illegal money is drug money coming from the illegal sale of heroine and cocaine, OxyContin, Ecstasy, etc., three-quarters of a trillion dollars into weird projects.

BR:  Yeah.

BD:  And again, they’re addicted to this. They’re addicted to money that isn’t under the scrutiny of the Congress or Senate. And I don’t think, if either party is elected, they’re going to steer us away from this.

We have to get away from thinking the political system is going to solve this. It’s not. Or the religious, you know. A lot of people think if they just go pray a whole lot in church, whatever church they belong to? They’re crazy.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  They need to start taking action. We mean action to the street, to their neighbors and they need to say: Hey, I don’t want to participate in the winding down of civilization.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Because they need to see that this is the first stage here. This is the devolution of the economy. And the next stage after the devolution of the economy and a release of a pandemic or martial law — and it won’t just be in America — is the hard-chipping of the population, forced vaccination, pandemic, and the hard kill’s going to start.

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  And I’m talking about hard kill, where they’re going to try to kill 90% of human beings on the planet with either pandemics, injected viruses, lethal weapons systems or whatever, or starvation just because of economic chaos. And people say: Oh no. They wouldn’t do that.

I have contacts inside the Canadian and U.S. government that have said, if there is a total breakdown of society for 30 days, half the population in Canada and the same in the States would be dead.

BR:  Yep. From violence.

BD:  Not from a pandemic. From violence.

BR:  Yeah. Yep. People will do it themselves. Yeah.

BD:  The violence will be… Just take a city, like, let’s say you had a city like Los Angeles and you took out 20 blocks with a 10-kiloton nuclear weapon, with a population kill of let’s say 200,000. And California devolved into a state where there’s no trucks going anywhere with any food. And this is a place where it’s a breadbasket.

This state would be a seething caldron of death, and half the population would probably be dead within 30 days. Just because of the roving gangs shooting each other up, and trying to grab food that was left and getting trucks and whatever.

KC:  Right.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  It would be insane. It would make Road Warrior look like a party. And people say: Oh no, it couldn’t get that bad. I said: The guys who told me were special forces that worked at the Federal Center that told me this. And they shocked me back in ’97 when they told me this stuff.

BR:  Yeah. And all of this is being modeled as well.

BD:  Yeah. So I tell people they’ve got to start preparing for disaster. And then we’ll come back out of that. Because when they bring it out, the next thing is: Oh, that wasn’t too bad. It was only two weeks of martial law. Or six weeks.

BR:  Yes. That’s just to get people acclimatized to the idea…..”

“….BD:  They are already. I’ve already got contacts who’ve told me. Like William Fallon, you know, was public. He said: Not on my watch will you start a war against Iran. They fired him.

KC:  Yes.

BD:  They put two people of Jewish descent in there that are willing to take orders, that are willing to attack Iran.

BR:  Sure.

BD:  Twice in the last year-and-a-half, these Israelis tried to go downtown. The last time was around June 24th when the American government allowed 100 Israeli jets to do air maneuvers, and a war game over Iraqi airspace.

And the Russians detected it with their satellite-based imaging, and started to scramble, transfer codes — for the launch codes — for their submarine-launched nuclear missiles, and their Bear bombers heading toward North America. People don’t know. We were moments away from a thermonuclear war in June.

BR:  We heard about that.

BD:  I mean, most people say: Oh, that doesn’t happen. You people are crazy. I say: Well, I’ve got contacts. I went back weeks later and verified it from my sources.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  And so people say: Oh, that can’t happen. You’ve just got a really good imagination. I said: I wish. I mean, this is a damned nightmare.

BR:  Yeah.

BD:  And it’s really happening. But I’m brave enough to say it because I know there’s no alternative. If I don’t speak out against this…

You can’t move far enough away. You can’t move to the south island of New Zealand and think you’re going to be safe. Or Paraguay. There is nowhere on this planet you can move away from this without it eventually taking you if you don’t stand up to this evil.

So if I have any messages: Prepare for disaster. Speak out now because you’re going to be silenced very shortly.

And believe me, they won’t be able to silence your blood-curdling screams as you’re hauled away in a Black-Op truck in the middle of the night, or a railcar with the shackles grinding into your ankles and your wrists, as you’re screaming because you know you’re going away to the death chambers. OK?

This really is getting prepared. They’re getting prepared. They’ve shipped in the plastic coffins. They’ve got the railcars. They’ve got the incineration stations all ready. They’ve got everything ready.

People say: Oh, it doesn’t exist. I say: Well, my condolences to you because if you want to attack me and say that I’m a crackerjack because I give all these spiritual and other things, you’re going to suffer and then you’re going to die. And you’re not just going to die a physical death, you’re going to die a spiritual death.

BR:  Yep. And one of the reasons why you die a spiritual death is because you never stood up when you could have done.

BD:  Right. The greatest sins are the sins of silence in the face of evil.

BR:  Yes. We second that.

KC:  Absolutely. We absolutely second that. Thank you very much.

BR:  Bill, thank you so much”

I’m afraid these excerpts don’t do justice to the whole document. I urge you to read it all:

Alternately, you could watch the interview in video form. Links are on this page of the Project Camelot website.

And here are just a couple of interesting and egregious government trespass stories to round things out:

Seems you can’t opt out of vaccinating your children if you live in Belgium — or they’ll send you to jail. Here in Ontario, Canada, there are both religious and conscious exemptions, but they’re not going to tell you about them. Friends of mine worked to get them incorporated when the law requiring compulsory vaccination of schoolchildren was passed.

And if you try to complain to the government in China, they drug you and put you in a mental hospital. Didn’t they do that in Soviet Russia as well? So it’s not such a new idea after all. Why can’t those Chinese at least show some originality?


Filed under News

5 responses to “Manna Storehouse #6, and speaking up for the kind of world we want, without “drinking the kool-aid of fear”

  1. Pingback: Manna Storehouse raid pt 5, 5a, 5b — Big brother and the holding company? — or the tip of a much bigger “iceberg” « The Bovine

  2. Pingback: Manna Storehouse “S.W.A.T.”, part 3 « The Bovine

  3. Pingback: More on ODA’s Manna Storehouse raid « The Bovine

  4. The latest summary and stories on this Raid are posted at The Journal of Whole Food and Nutrition at

    Also, there is a story on the woman who was jailed this month for selling raw cheese and goats milk at a farmers market in California.

  5. Pingback: Manna Storehouse: Lorain County December 08′ Raid Gets Norwalk’s Attention « The Erie Wire

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