Manna Storehouse raid pt 5, 5a, 5b — Big brother and the holding company? — or the tip of a much bigger “iceberg”

Free with vaccination? -- compulsory NAIS

Free with vaccination? -- compulsory NAIS

Part 5a added at bottom 2:30 pm.

Part 5b added Wednesday 6:15 am

In her intro to the Manna Storehouse story, Linn Cohen-Cale of has some fascinating things to say about NAIS now becoming mandatory. Involuntary “induction” into the program apparently takes places when a farmer brings an animal to a vet to be vaccinated. Even more scary, she talks about “premises ID” being an instrument by which farmers sign away title to their land to the World Bank, as collateral for the U.S. debt. These issues ultimately affect everyone, but farmers are on the front lines, so to speak. Unfortunately, the link she gives in this story no longer works. If readers have any further leads on this topic, please comment on this post or email thebovine at gmx dot com. Here’s some of what Linn says in her preamble to her report on the Manna Storehouse raid:

Department of Agriculture raids have been occurring in Pennsylvania against horse and buggy Mennonite dairy farmers regularly and for some time.  It’s getting almost no attention though the farming communities there have been terrorized by the government  for doing what they have done for centuries.  They came here to live in peace and freedom.

Meanwhile, farmers and ranchers have been desperate to stop the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) which the USDA said would be voluntary but the Bush administration in a last minute gift to our disappearing farmers, just made it mandatory by ordering vets to sign people on who bring animals for vaccinations even if they refuse to do so themselves.  Those who refuse are given a special number indicating they didn’t “volunteer.”

And along with NAIS come “premises” ID which looks to be a way of tricking farmers and ranchers into signing away their land as collateral for the bailout. US farmland for US debt to the World Bank. click here.  It has been almost impossible to let the urban community understand the truly totalitarian threats occurring RIGHT NOW against our farmers.

Now this … and perhaps THIS will finally hit home for those who care about their community supported agriculture (CSA) and want real organic food, not industrial food with an “organic” label applied by corporate agriculture which first got the USDA to eliminate its competition – real farmers producing real food.

“…SWAT police, armed for riot control weapons, packing automatic rifles and armored for a terrorist response stormed a family food cooperative in Ohio.

Agents from the State of Ohio Department of Agriculture with the S.W.A.T. team did not give any explanation to the family other than a warrant, did not provide them a phone call, did not charge the family with anything as they burst into their private home. But what they did do was make a big mess, taking over ten thousand dollars of merchandise with them, reported the IVN Bureau Chief.”…”

Read the whole story here.

Since the key link in the story above wasn’t working, I did some further investigation and found a page on that site that addressed collateralization of farmland for debt. Here are some excerpts:


During the first three days, the group was told that the WILDERNESS CONGRESS was about beating the ozone deterioration and bringing the rain forests back. The following days were closed to the public. With only the bankers in attendance, the topics discussed centered on the creation of a “WORLD CONSERVATION BANK” with collateral being derived from receipt of wilderness properties throughout the world. This bank would have central bank powers similar to the Federal Reserve. It would create currency and loans and engage in international discounting, counter-trade, barter and swap actions. Rothschild personally conducted the monetary matters and the creation of this WORLD CONSERVATION BANK. This bank would refinance by swapping debt for assets. A country with a huge national debt would receive money to pay off the debt by swapping the debt for wilderness lands. The plan was to swap one trillion dollars of Third World Debt into this new bank. In the long term, when the countries won’t be able to pay off the loans, governments from around the world will give title to their wilderness lands to the bankers.


George Hunt wrote: “Title to the lands will go to the World Wilderness Land Inventory Trust. This Trust will float into the World Conservation Bank by the unanimous decree of the world’s people, saying, God bless you for saving our reindeer. Those people at the congress were ignorant. They don’t suspect anything. They’re very naive. Not stupid, ignorant. I’m talking about the 90% that were not the world banking heavyweights.”

Hunt goes on to say that World Bank loans, as they stand now, are not collateralized. They’re saying, we want collateral, so when we loan-swap this debt, we’re going to own the Amazon if you default. They’re going to make their bad loans good by collateralizing them after the fact with all of this land and somebody is going to end up with title to twelve and half billion acres. They have multi-trillions of dollars upon which they can create currencies and loans and they’re going to begin to barter and counter-trade and loan-swap against the United States. The World Conservation Bank is a scheme to monetize land. This will function as a world central bank and out of that bank there will grow a one-world fiat currency.

This isn’t some scheme conjured up during the Bush and Clinton administrations. The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development was created in 1982. The commission published the “BRUNDTLAND REPORT,” setting the stage for unlimited enactments to take over ecology, and environmental and pollution laws throughout the world. The report stated: “We will have a proposal for very harsh, quasi-spiritual ecological laws for MOTHER EARTH. A MOTHER EARTH COMES FIRST mentality will arise throughout the world.”


When James Baker made his keynote speech in 1987, he stated that, “No longer will the World Bank carry this debt unsecured. The only assets we have to collateralize are federal lands and national parks.” Baker’s definition of federal lands includes Heritage sites, of which there are about 20 in the United States. I say “about” 20, because they are being added on a regular basis. As I write this article, Congress is about to vote on a proposed Rim of the Valley National Park that would include over 500,000 acres of National Forest land and 170,000 parcels of private property including many farms and ranches. At the same time there is a bill before Congress called the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act that would increase the acreage of designated wilderness by 50% in the lower 48 states. *** While our Heritage sites take in quite a large amount of territory, such as Yellowstone National Park and Mesa Verde, the Grand Canyon and the Everglades, other countries have much greater areas. Brazil for example has the Amazon Conservation Complex and Canada has the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks. As I write this story, the list includes 851 properties in 141 countries, comprising over one third of the earth’s land mass. Will all this land collateralize the world’s debt? Probably not, so along comes NAIS (the National Animal Identification System).


According to the United States Department of Agriculture, “The first step in implementing a national animal identification system (NAIS) is identifying and registering premises that are associated with the animal agriculture industry. In terms of the NAIS, a premise is any geographically unique location in which agricultural animals are raised, held, or boarded. Under this definition, farms, ranches, feed-yards, auction barns and livestock exhibitions and fair sites are all examples of premises.” That may be the definition some government bureaucrat will give you, but the word “premises” under the “international Criminal Court Act 2002- Sect 4, states: The word “premises” includes a place and a “conveyance.” Why check with the International Criminal Court Act? Because on June 8, 2007, Under-Secretary of Agriculture Bruce Knight, speaking at the World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa, is quoted as saying, “We have to live by the same international rules we’re expecting other people to do.”

Throughout the entire Draft National Animal Identification System Users Guide, land is referred to as a premises and not property. A “Premises” has no protection under the Constitution of the United States, while property always has the exclusive rights of the owner tied to it. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution protect property rights.


The word “Premise” is a synonym for the word tenement. A definition of the word tenement in law is: Property, such as land, held by one person “leasing” it to another. Webster’s New World Dictionary 1960 College Edition defines “Premises” as the part of a deed or “lease” that states its reason, the parties involved and the property in “conveyance.” Webster then defines “conveyance” as the transfer of ownership of real property from one person to another. It is quite obvious that the bureaucrats in Washington had a very good reason to use the term “premises” and never mention “PROPERTY.”

Let’s take another look at the wilderness areas and the World Bank’s plans to collateralize its loans. While the wilderness areas cover about one third of the earth’s surface, they are wilderness areas for a good reason – they were useless or difficult to homestead, farm or use in a constructive manner. Worldwide, the best and more valuable land is occupied by farmers, ranchers and people with the ambition to produce. Wouldn’t the World Bankers rather have some productive property besides mountains, deserts and swamps?

I am convinced that the word “premise” will put an encumbrance on your deed. The bankers say they want to monetize land. It’s your land and my land they want to monetize.


The bankers are in the process of accumulating the wealth of the world. Very few privately owned assets can be termed “real wealth.” According to scripture, God made Abraham very wealthy, giving him LAND, CATTLE, silver and gold. (Genesis 24:35) Four thousand years later, wealth continues to be LAND, CATTLE, silver and gold. I don’t know where the world deposits of silver and gold are stored, but I’m sure the bankers have them in their control. That only leaves LAND and CATTLE, which I believe could be next on the list. Genesis 47 describes how Joseph had storehouses full of grain to feed the people, but he didn’t have a welfare program. During the first year of the famine, Joseph took “ALL THE MONEY” the people had for only one year’s supply of grain. The second year he took all their cattle for another year’s supply of grain. The next year they said, “We have nothing left but our bodies and our land. Buy us and our land in exchange for food and we and our land will be servants to Pharaoh.” Genesis 47:21 states, “And as for the people, he removed them to the cities and made slaves of them.”


James Madison made a statement concerning how our people could lose our freedom by gradual and silent encroachment by those in power. Is it possible that those in power today are gradually and silently in the process of removing the people to the cities to make slaves of them? Federalizing our land and our cattle would certainly be a step in that direction….”

Read the whole story here.

Further reading on this theme: UN plan for food and land

And from a general survey of reports around the web, here are the sort of comments the Manna Storehouse story inspires (from AvgJoe on the War on Guns blog):

“I’m waiting for people to have to get permits to grow gardens in Idaho. The parasites here have laws that have sales tax on food, all food. So by Idaho families growing their own food, they are cheating the parasites out of “their” hard earned money. I easily can see police raiding homes and pulling up gardens in backyards as whole families have guns pointed at their heads. For not having the permits to be allowed to grow such a garden.

My views here are not too far off base. If anyone is making their own bio fuels and its found out by big brother. You will be subject to that fuel taxes you didn’t pay on however many gallons that they say you used. They see it as someone using the roads and not paying their fair share in taxes for that road use.

Think I’m joking? I’m not and they have federal laws behind them for a family growing a garden in the back yard. Its called if I have it right, Filburn vs Wicard or something like that.

Even without sales taxes on food, you are cheating local and state governments because the fuel taxes taking that food to market are not being collected. So yea, I see families having to go to big brother to get a permit to have a family garden as loot to big brother keeps going down in this economy.”

Hairy Hobbit chimes in: “Yeah, I’ve been watching it. Crazy, but not unexpected. You can’t have rainwater collection systems. The government would have gone around collecting manna.

I’m just a bit confused on WTF happened and hope that they have loads of money (to pay the court for the chance) to argue how many of their rights were violated.”

Other interesting coverage of this story:


State denies it was a SWAT raid. This is a report from the Chronicle Telegram:

LAGRANGE — An organic food business accused of selling meat products without a license is the subject of an investigation by the Ohio Department of Agriculture and the Lorain County Health Department.

The Manna Storehouse on state Route 303 could face charges of operating without a license, according to Lorain County Assistant Prosecutor Scott Serazin. The charge is a third-degree misdemeanor.

There have been no reports of anyone getting ill from consuming meat or other products sold by the business, Serazin said.

The fact that the business deals in organic food “has no significance at all” in the investigation, Serazin said.

“This is just about getting a license. It’s a question of, ‘have they met the criteria required of everybody else in Lorain County who sells eggs and meat and other perishable items?’ If they have no regulations on them at all, the results can be very serious.”

Serazin said the business owners, John and Jackie Stowers, maintained they were exempt from having to be licensed.

“They blocked every effort to try to get information,” including ordering two county health officials off their property prior to the Dec. 1 execution of a search warrant by Lorain County sheriff’s deputies.

Sheriff’s Capt. Rich Resendez denied online reports of a SWAT team being part of the search.

“There was no SWAT team there. They had one uniformed patrol officer who wore a black-style uniform who is assigned to a warrants unit, but that’s his daily uniform. There were no guns held to anybody’s head.”

Jackie Stowers said SWAT officers accompanied state agriculture officials to the family’s home, but she declined to detail the episode, saying the family planned to issue a statement later this week following a meeting with the family’s attorney.

“We have not been given the complete facts yet,” she said….”

Some comments on this news story (above) from The Complete Patient blog:

Dave Milano: “So there it is. The Stowers’ could face a charge of “operating without a license.” And of course, “If they have no regulations on them at all, the results can be very serious.” Therefore, when a private citizen politely, without violence, blocks unconstitutional efforts by government officials “to try to get information,” it’s time for an armed put down.

According to the indoctrinated, government licensing and attendant control of private activities between fully informed, consenting adults, is not only allowed, but NECESSARY, and the government may employ violence to get the compliance they demand. Can we understand the implications of this?

Folks, we have slipped way, way down this slope. Every American should now carefully consider what we have done to the American ideal “…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

(And by the way, local officials’ statements made in response to claims of this being an armed raid, like “All we did was secure the residence,” and “They had one uniformed patrol officer…” are pregnant and revealing enough.)”

Don Wittlinger: “They also ” secured a farm” here in Pa. during a raid by placing “law enforcement officers” out in the surrounding pastures among the cows and blocking the dirt road so no one could “witness” the event. Is this the land of the free or the corporate police state. Where is the OUTRAGE America?…”

Mark McAfee: “There was no outrage becuase there was no video tape.

We as a country only respond to video and emotion. If it bleeds it leads…..As farmers we will be shot if we use guns ( like our forefathers did ). We must use video cameras to document these outrageous events and have the guts to stand up and speak truth to power and post these videos on the internet with our stories.

We can not be passive. we must know our rights and demand them. If an officer demands that you sit in on your couch for 8 hours that is not a lawful demand. You simply ask…am I free to go officer? if he says no then he has arrested you. If he says yes get up and leave. get a camera and return and start documenting.

If you are arrested demand to speak to an attorney. If you are arrested they must have cause and charges. False arrest is a crime against the cops.

If you are arrested you have rights. If you are held with out charges that is called kidnapping.”

The comments above are from this post on the Complete Patient.

LATEST NEWS: Part 5B Update: Wednesday Dec. 10, 2008

Some “reading between the lines” by David E. Gumpert’s The Comlpete Patient blog:

“…Local law enforcement officials have begun to give their side of the Manna Storehouse raid last week–to a friendly media outlet. The Chronicle-Telegram of Elyria does its best to paint law enforcement in the best light, but as Dave Milano notes in his comment following my previous post, it has holes:

–“They blocked every effort to get information.” The only “blocked effort” described is the Stowers ordering two health department inspectors off the property, which Katie described to me as well. But there is a big difference between government regulators being asked to leave private property, and returning to execute a search warrant with weapons-waving law enforcement officers. And there is nothing in the Chronicle-Telegram article about any reasons being offered the Stowers.

–“They had one uniformed officer…All we did was secure the residence…” Was it one armed officer or several, as in “we”? A residence or other building is typically “secured” by heavily armed security personnel or soldiers.

–“There were no guns held to anyone’s head.” Maybe not literally, but were guns drawn? Guns waved? The family ordered into a living room and held for hours against their will?…”

SHERIFF DEPARTMENT REPORTS — From a comment posted today on part 1:

Please find the attached links for the Sheriff Department’s Incident report and a copy of the Search Warrant itself with supporting documentation.

The county health department was concerned this may have been a retail food service operation, and upon being denied the opportunity to inspect the property as such, turned it over to the county prosecutor’s office, who then asked them to send it to the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture. The ODA sent an investigator who allegedly made a retail purchase of eggs. A search warrant was then served on the property by uniformed deputies and plain-clothed detectives. Perhaps in some parts of the country that is considered a SWAT team, but in the greater Cleveland area, it certainly is not.

And now, a link that was sent to me by a reader giving some background as to why totalitarian tendencies among the governmental/regulatory/policing sector are such a serious cause for concern. It seems that even in the 20th century a lot more people have died from being murdered by governments than through war or any other cause.  That’s why freedom and liberty are so crucial and why we need to work towards a situation in which governments fear the people rather than vice versa. Here’s that link.

DEC 16 UPDATE: Manna Storehouse #6


Filed under News

8 responses to “Manna Storehouse raid pt 5, 5a, 5b — Big brother and the holding company? — or the tip of a much bigger “iceberg”

  1. Pingback: Manna Storehouse “S.W.A.T.”, part 3 « The Bovine

  2. Pingback: More on ODA’s Manna Storehouse raid « The Bovine

  3. Pingback: PLEASE READ- Our freedom to buy healthy organic foods????? Gestapo?? -

  4. Pingback: Manna Storehouse SWAT, part 4: Did police really enter “with guns drawn”? « The Bovine

  5. You’ll want to see the newest story of yesterday: Owner Jailed for Raw Goat Cheese and Milk at

    You will also see the Family Farm Food and Health Alert issued in the state of Ohio, prompted by the Manna Storehouse Raid.

  6. Pingback: Manna Storehouse: Lorain County December 08′ Raid Gets Norwalk’s Attention « The Erie Wire

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